Professional Standards

CMSS is committed to addressing emerging issues that affect specialty societies and helping channel member contributions that advance healthcare. Led by our Professional Peer Groups and member society community, CMSS develops professional standards tools and resources that enable member societies to work collaboratively to address critical issues and improve patient care. Member societies and others are invited to adopt or adapt these standards to guide their policies, procedures, and approaches.


These professional standards may be of interest and relevance to: 

  • Specialty societies that help translate scientific and medical progress into delivery of medical care 
  • Individual healthcare professionals, patients, and other groups who guide biomedical research, discover new therapies, and engage in the practice of medicine 
  • For-profit entities that develop, produce, market or distribute pharmaceuticals, devices, services or therapies used to diagnose, treat, and monitor health conditions 

CMSS Professional Standards:

  1. CMSS Code for Interactions with Companies
  2. CMSS Principles for Clinical Guideline Development 
  3. Value of Scholarly Publishers   


Julia Peterson, CMSS COO 

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