Leadership Groups
CMSS offers a variety of leadership opportunities that allow members to contribute to the advancement of the medical specialty society community. These roles enable professionals to shape policy, guide strategic initiatives, and foster collaboration among member organizations.
Board and Committees:
The Board of Directors is CMSS’s principal governing body and has broad oversight and fiduciary responsibilities for the organization. The Board guides CMSS’s strategic direction and policies to advance our mission. Learn more about CMSS Board Leadership.
CMSS has several standing and ad-hoc committees including membership, finance, bylaws, and nominations. Committee members play a pivotal role in shaping the direction of CMSS initiatives and ensuring that the organization’s goals are met. Leadership positions within these committees provide a platform for members to guide best practices, engage in meaningful decision-making, and influence the strategic direction of CMSS.
Task Forces:
Specialized task forces are formed to address timely issues that impact medical specialty societies. These groups typically work on focused projects with specific goals and timelines. Serving on a task force offers members the opportunity to drive change in high-impact areas while collaborating with industry leaders.
Learn more about current CMSS Task Force activities:
Professional Peer Group (PPG) Chairs:
CMSS also supports Professional Peer Groups, which serve as communities of practice for society staff in various roles, such as CEOs, finance officers, and membership leaders. Chairs of these peer groups facilitate discussions on best practices, challenges, and innovations within their respective domains. Leadership within a PPG allows members to elevate their visibility and influence across the CMSS membership network.
Each of these leadership roles fosters professional growth, provides access to an extensive network of peers, and creates pathways to shape the future of medical specialty societies.
We are grateful for the many passionate, engaged volunteers who make a difference in our community of specialty societies.
Interested in Leadership with CMSS? Contact Brian Stevenson, CMSS Member Engagement Manager at membership@cmss.org or 301-337-8503.