Become a Member

Thank you for your interest in membership in the Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS).

Membership Categories


Prospective CMSS members will be asked to address the following criteria in their application:

  • Society significantly adds to the breadth and depth of CMSS membership
  • Society is primarily national in scope and physician-focused
  • Society is likely to engage and participate in CMSS mission and priorities, including support for education, quality, science, and scholarship
  • Society members can achieve an associated board certification or equivalent designation


Prospective Associate Members should possess a focus on issues of interest to CMSS such as physician education, quality, standard setting, accreditation, certification, professionalism, practice performance and the improvement of the healthcare of Americans, and may not be either a specialty or sub-specialty society.

Please note: Organizational eligibility does not guarantee election to membership.

Application Process

Full Members: Please complete the CMSS Member Application to be considered for membership.

The application includes the following sections:

  • Organizational Details
  • Society Scope
  • Society Membership
  • Society Mission & Purpose
  • Narrative Questions
  • Administrative & Financial Details (for purposes of estimating annual dues)

You may save a draft of your application prior to submission. Please contact Julia Peterson, CMSS COO, with any questions relating to the application form or process.

Associate Members: Please contact Julia Peterson to discuss eligibility for Associate Membership.

The CMSS Membership Committee meets twice per year to review applications and provide recommendations to the Board of Directors. Membership in CMSS will be conferred by vote of the Board of Directors, based on a recommendation from the Membership Committee. While an application is being reviewed and considered, the applicant may be invited to participate in certain activities, such as the Annual Meeting, as a guest.

Benefits of Membership

  • Networking and learning opportunities with a vibrant community of specialty society peers
    • Society CEOs participate in the CEO Council, a governance arm of CMSS and trusted community of peer CEOs for open, confidential discussion of strategic challenges and opportunities
    • Society staff participate in over 20 different Professional Peer Groups (PPGs) where peers collaborate, share best practices, discuss challenges, and engage in collective problem-solving. Membership includes unlimited participation in the PPGs.
    • All staff have access to CMSS Connect, an online community forum
    • CMSS also convenes groups of importance to specialty societies, including OPDA
  • Access to educational offerings designed for specialty societies, by specialty societies
    • Tailored educational offerings that meet the needs of specialty society staff from C-suite to society staff, and volunteer leadership, including the CMSS GLEAM Program, an exclusive governance and leadership program for member societies
    • CMSS Membership Meetings at free or discounted rates each spring and fall
    • Topical Summits on emerging issues faced by specialty societies, including digital transformation and health equity
    • Access to live and on-demand webinars and other educational offerings via the CMSS Learning Center
    • Participation in Work Groups and Task Forces on emerging issues and shared development of best practices, including the Code for Interaction with Companies
  • Share your perspective on emerging issues relevant to specialty societies
    • CMSS’s umbrella function represents specialty societies on high level issues that cross specialty, including professionalism, training, and ethics
    • Include your society’s voice in collective Policy and Position Statements
    • Though CMSS does not lobby on Capitol Hill, CMSS provides a unique venue for discussion and debate across the house of medicine
    • Engage with major liaison and partner organizations, including ABMS, ACGME, ACCME and NRMP
    • Thought leadership and high-level engagement on healthcare quality and clinical registries with CMS, NQF, and the CQMC

“CMSS is a venue like none other. It is incredibly valuable to be part of CMSS.” 

-Member comment, 2020 Engagement Survey

Questions about Membership?

Please contact Julia Peterson, CMSS COO. We look forward to hearing from you!