Inclusive Excellence

The Inclusive Excellence Action Workstream is a community of shared learning and supported action focused on cultivating inclusive excellence in healthcare to advance a more equitable healthcare ecosystem for all.

The workstream is part of the Equitable Professional Societies Network (EPSN), a collaborative initiative of CMSS and the American Medical Association (AMA) through Rise to Health. 


Promoting inclusive excellence throughout the career pathway from training into practice and leadership leads to improved patient outcomes. 

Strategic Objectives:

The first strategic objectives of this effort are:

Supporting Early Career Professionals:
Societies can foster a diverse and inclusive healthcare workforce by providing support and development opportunities for early career professionals from underrepresented backgrounds.

Advancing Inclusive Societies through Governance Structures:
Societies can promote inclusion within their communities and advance health equity by integrating inclusive governance structures and practices.

Audience & Participation:

The EPSN Inclusive Excellence Action Workstream is open to all professional society staff and leaders who are interested in advancing health equity. Individuals and teams from professional societies are invited to join us and commit to advancing one or both strategic objectives within their organization and across societies.

Participation includes:

  • Attendance at regular live virtual sessions with a community of peers (monthly 1-hour virtual sessions)
  • Identifying and working towards specific project(s) or objective(s) in your organization
  • Participation in an online community for sharing resources, asking questions, and supporting your peers

We also welcome volunteers from within the community to contribute their perspectives and expertise to the planning and education sessions around the strategic objectives and action sprints.

Action Sprints:

Through a series of sprints, workstream participants will apply learning into coordinated actions to advance our strategic objectives – both in their organization and across healthcare.

Each Action Sprint includes topic exploration, resource sharing, discussion, peer learning, and project-based work over a 4-month period. A detailed calendar of Action Sprints and activities can be shared with interested participants upon request.

Call for Participation

The EPSN Inclusive Excellence action workstream kicks off in March 2025!

Please contact Ndifreke Ikpe to receive additional updates and calendar appointments to join us. Individuals and teams from professional societies are invited to join us and commit to advancing one or more strategic objectives within their organization and across societies.
Contact CMSS Staff

Prior Efforts and Acknowledgement: 

This program builds on prior efforts of specialty societies and program director associations participating in a capstone project as part of the ACGME Equity Matters™ program. Over 40 CMSS member societies and OPDA program director associations participated in the inaugural 18-month cohort of this learning community designed to drive measurable improvements in diversity, equity, and inclusion in medicine.  


Contact Ndifreke Ikpe, MHA, CMSS Civic Science Fellow for more information or to participate. 

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