Artificial Intelligence and Specialty Societies
The CMSS AI/ML Task Force
The CMSS AI/ML Task Force works to assess the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) on research, publications, IT, and corporate engagement, and to provide guidance for incorporating AI/ML into other aspects of specialty society operations.
The task force is co-chaired by Dana Smetherman, MD, MBA, CEO, American College of Radiology, and Steven Waldren, V.P. and Chief Medical Informatics Officer, American Academy of Family Physicians. Other task force members are leading experts in technology, health IT and informatics, law, and policy.
Since its inception in 2023, the task force has conducted an AI inventory of CMSS member societies; developed safeguards, a risk matrix, and a roadmap for AI exploration; and delivered clinical AI education.
In addition, CMSS is an active partner with Coalition for Health AI, ensuring specialty societies are represented in newly forming workstreams and in the “What is Health AI?” brief released by the Consumer Technology Association stakeholder group.
These initiatives are part of CMSS commitment to collaboratively address critical issues by assessing AI’s existing and future impact on specialty society operations and physician members.
Suzanne Pope, CMSS Senior Advisor
Task Force Members
Dana Smetherman, MD, MBA, CEO
American College of RadiologyCo-ChairSteven Waldren, MD, MS
VP and Chief Medical Informatics Officer, American Academy of Family PhysiciansCo-ChairSally Baxter, MD, MSc
Incoming VP of Research and Data Science, American Academy of OphthalmologyMaureen Cones, JD, EVP
Chief Legal and Policy Officer & General Counsel, American Urological AssociationSusan Galandiuk, MD
Editor-In-Chief, Journal Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, American Society of Colon and Rectal SurgeonsElham Hatef
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, American College of Preventive MedicineShannon Hoekstra
Sr. Director, IS – Digital Architecture, Innovation, and Analytics, College of American PathologistsGretchen Jackson, MD, PhD
VP (Intuitive), Associate Professor (Vanderbilt), President (American Medical Informatics Association)Alison Kim, PhD
Vice President, Research and Publications, American Gastroenterological AssociationJeremy Lewin, JD
American Society of AnesthesiologistsRaj Manocha, MS
Chief Technology Officer, American Urological AssociationMiquella (Kelly) Rose, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer, American Society of HematologyMichael Tilkin, MS
VP Technology and Chief Information Officer, American College of RadiologyJennifer Walsh
Chief Product and Marketing Officer, American College of Obstetricians and GynecologistsMelissa West
Sr. Director, Strategic Relations and Patient Engagement, American Society of NephrologyMark Wilson, MS
Chief Information Officer, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists