Mark Fleury, PhD is a policy principal for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), where he has worked since 2013. He specializes in research, drug development, and regulatory policies along with other science and technology related projects. He has worked on reform of diagnostic testing oversight, drug shortages, helped lead a coalition in 2016 that authored a landscape report on drug development challenges in pediatric cancer, and led another coalition in 2017 that created a report and recommendations focused on overcoming cancer clinical trial enrollment barriers. He is currently the principal investigator on a clinical trial testing the effectiveness of a new clinical trial screening tool. Throughout his work, Mark has striven to incorporate patient perspectives into inherently science-based issues, advocating for the inclusion of patients as partners throughout the bench to bedside translation of science. He holds a PhD in bioengineering from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland, conducted post-doctoral research at MIT, and previous policy experience includes time as a staffer to a U.S Senator.
Mark Fleury, PhD