CMSS Meetings

CMSS holds two membership meetings per year: the Spring Meeting (April/May) and the Annual Meeting (October/November). These events seek to meet the needs of specialty society staff and leaders, as well as address critical emerging issues for medical specialty societies.

Annual Meeting

The CMSS Annual Meeting is the premier annual convening of staff and leaders serving medical specialty societies and their members. It includes 3 days of educational sessions, professional peer group meetings, and program participant gatherings.

When and Where? The Annual Meeting takes place each Fall (October/November) in either Washington, DC or Chicago, IL.

Who should attend? Staff and leadership from medical specialty societies as well as other healthcare association, patient group, and industry stakeholders. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with and learn from your fellow medical specialty society peers!

Upcoming Event: 

CMSS Annual Meeting

Spring Meeting

Beginning in 2024, the CMSS Spring Meeting will focus on convening the CMSS Professional Peer Groups and CEO Council. All PPGs will meet virtually, and the CEO Council will meet in-person with a virtual option.

When and Where? The Spring Meeting takes place each Spring (April/May). The meeting is primarily virtual, with a fly-in option for the CEO Council in either Chicago, IL or Washington, DC.

Who should attend? CMSS members engaged in PPGs and the CEO Council. This is a member-only meeting.

Additional Information

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Future Meetings

Past CMSS Meetings