Industry Partnership
Increase your reach. Grow your customer base. Share your ideas. Be a part of CMSS’ mission to advance healthcare for patients and physicians.
CMSS industry partners are vital contributors to our mission and vision. Your support is an investment in our shared commitment to ensure high-quality, evidence-based healthcare is available and accessible to all patients.
Industry Partner Opportunities with CMSS
Industry partners are part of CMSS’ successful and enduring model of strategic collaboration and knowledge-sharing that is shaping the future of healthcare. Industry partners bring vital services and critical perspectives that help CMSS to advance the expertise and collective voice of specialty societies in support of physicians and the patients they serve.
Why become a partner with CMSS?
Partnership with CMSS allows your organization direct access to our community of specialty societies. CMSS offers an array of thoughtful, creative new opportunities to increase your visibility and engagement with specialty societies whose commitment to high-quality, evidence-based healthcare mirrors your own.
At our Annual Meeting
CMSS provides Industry Partner and Exhibit opportunities at our Annual Meeting each Fall. Participating in CMSS meetings will provide you with the opportunity to learn about CMSS’ 50+ member specialty societies, network with hundreds of attendees, and gain access to all sessions. Additional options for showcase slots on the meeting program are available to Premier Partners.
Upcoming CMSS Industry Partner Event:
November 18-21, 2025
Grand Hyatt Washington, DC
All Year Long
Industry Partners also support CMSS activities and engage with our members throughout the year. Industry Partnership offerings include hosting webinars and sending eblasts to CMSS membership, submitting session proposals to our Annual Meeting, participating in custom Industry Partner Projects on a topic of your choosing, and much more.
Partner Benefits
All Industry Partner and Exhibit Packages include:
- Industry Partner Roundtable meeting with CMSS Leadership during CMSS Annual Meeting
- Company Logo with link on CMSS website
- Company Information in CMSS Industry eBook
2025 Industry Partner Details
Please click the links below for important industry support information, particularly our updated Industry Partner Packages and Sponsorship Opportunities.
We are grateful for your interest in supporting CMSS as an Industry Partner!
As an Industry Partner, you can reach:
- 50+ Medical specialty societies representing 800K Physician members
- 1000+ Medical specialty society staff, primarily CEOs and Senior Staff

2024 Industry Partners
CMSS is grateful to the following partners and exhibitors for their support in 2024.
Platinum Level
Health eCareers
Gold Level
PA Consulting
Exhibit Only Level
American Board of Medical Specialties
Contact Exhibits Management
Please contact Jessica Vacha, CMSS Exhibits Coordinator with any questions or to discuss potential Industry Partnerships and Exhibit opportunities.
Jessica Vacha, or 312.202.5254