Together to Catalyze Change  

June 21, 2024
• Keck Center of the National Academies, Washington, DC

On June 21, 2024, the Council of Medical Specialty Societies, Doris Duke Foundation, and National Academy of Medicine co-convened almost 300 leaders in-person and online from medical societies, AI/ML, research, patient groups, philanthropy, and government to discuss how race is used in clinical algorithms and opportunities for collaborative strategies to accelerate change.  

Throughout the event’s panels and breakout discussions, one theme became abundantly clear: While there is important work being led across sectors to reconsider the use of race in clinical algorithms, change remains slow, and there is real appetite among stakeholders to do more together to drive progress. The time is now for a concerted, broad-based effort that will enable greater coordination and collaboration, focus efforts and scale effective approaches, and accelerate impact.

The event served as a launch to the Encoding Equity Alliance, led by CMSS with support from the Doris Duke Foundation.

Meeting proceedings and key learnings from the convening are available on the Encoding Equity website.

Convened by the Council of Medical Specialty Societies, Doris Duke Foundation, and National Academy of Medicine 

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