CMSS 2024 Annual Meeting

November 20-22, 2024
• 10am
• Chicago, IL

Event & Program Details  

CMSS Annual Meeting 2024: Shaping the Future of Medicine Together 

The CMSS Annual Meeting provides the specialty society community with a platform for sharing innovative ideas and best practices that address issues of importance across specialties. It also showcases collaborative efforts demonstrating the power and potential of working together to advance our shared vision. 

Program and Sessions 

Key topics covered by event speakers and panelists include:

  • AI and Medical Education 
  • The Science of Patient Engagement and Community Linkages 
  • Physician Workforce: Challenges, Strategies and Future Opportunities for Specialty Societies 
  • Creating Long-Lasting Partnerships with Industry beyond Annual Meetings 
  • Shifting the Society Focus: Engaging and Retaining Gen Y & Z 
  • Evolving Approach to Digital Measurement 
  • The Intersection of Climate and Health 
  • Critical Equity Conversations in Medical Education and Practice 
  • And so much more! 

Annual Meeting Recordings now available on the CMSS Learning Center

Whether you missed a session or would like to revisit a key discussion, these recordings provide valuable insights on the latest developments and trends in the field. Many thanks to our speakers, moderators, and panelists for their contributions to the meeting program and for allowing CMSS to make this educational content available to a broader audience.

All plenary and select concurrent sessions are available for purchase both a la carte and as a complete package. CMSS members receive a significant discount on all meeting sessions but must be logged in to receive a discount.
Visit the CMSS Learning Center

Professional Peer Groups 

A total of 14 Professional Peer Groups (PPGs) held meetings during the CMSS Annual Meeting. Please contact your PPG leadership or CMSS staff at for meeting notes or information on future gatherings.

Questions regarding the event or future meetings 

Contact Shaniece Rigans at

Professional Peer GroupDateTime
CIO: Chief Information OfficersNovember 20, 2024Hybrid
9:00am – 12:00pm
COOs: Chief Operating OfficersNovember 20, 2024Virtual
11:00am – 12:30pm CT
Communications & MarketingNovember 20, 2024Hybrid
10:30am – 11:30am CT
Corporate Development and Industry RelationsNovember 20, 2024Hybrid
8:30am – 10:30am CT
CPD: Continuing Professional DevelopmentNovember 20, 2024Hybrid
8:00am – 12:30pm CT
CPG: Clinical Practice Guidelines DevelopersNovember 20, 2024Hybrid
10:30am – 12:30pm
DEI: Diversity, Equity, and InclusionNovember 20, 2024Hybrid
11:00am – 12:30pm CT
GovernanceNovember 20, 2024Virtual
10:00am – 12:00pm CT
HR: Human ResourcesNovember 20, 2024Hybrid
9:00am – 10:30am CT
Meetings/MembershipNovember 20, 2024Hybrid
8:30am – 10:30am CT
PublishingNovember 20, 2024Virtual
9:00am – 11am CT
QualityNovember 20, 2024Hybrid
10:30am – 12:30pm CT
ResearchNovember 20, 2024Hybrid
8:00am – 9:30am CT

Meeting Sponsors and Industry Partners

Meeting Sponsors and Industry Partners

We are grateful to the following Industry Partners, Exhibitors, and Sponsors for their support of CMSS at the Annual Meeting and throughout the year.

Platinum Level
Health eCareers

Gold Level
PA Consulting

Exhibit Only Level
American Board of Medical Specialties

GLEAM Summit Reception Sponsor
Health eCareers

health ecareers logo

Session Sponsor
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

Partner Opportunities

CMSS provides Industry Partner and Exhibit opportunities at our Annual meetings, and Industry Partners support CMSS activities and engage with our members throughout the year. Participating in CMSS meetings will provide you with the opportunity to learn about CMSS’ 50+ member specialty societies, network with hundreds of attendees, and gain access to all sessions.

Questions regarding Industry Partnership Opportunities?

Contact Jessica Vacha at


Categories and Rates: 

The Early Bird Deadline is October 8, 2024 at 5:00 PM (ET). Rates increase after that deadline time. 

Registration CategoryRegistration Fee
CMSS Annual Meeting Member EB$750
CMSS Annual Meeting Member Late$875
CMSS Annual Meeting Member PPGs Only EB$300
CMSS Annual Meeting Member PPGs Only Late$375
CMSS Annual Meeting Non-Member EB$900
CMSS Annual Meeting Non-Member Late$1,025
GLEAM Participant + Annual Meeting EB$750
GLEAM Participant + Annual Meeting Late$875
OPDA Fall Meeting + Annual Meeting EB$750
OPDA Fall Meeting + Annual Meeting Late$875
OPDA Fall Meeting Event Only EB**$400
OPDA Fall Meeting Only Late**$475
CMSS Annual Meeting Member PPGs Virtual EB
CMSS Annual Meeting Member PPGs Virtual Late$150


Please contact CMSS Registration Services at 312-202-5244 or 


Meeting Venue & Headquarters Hotel:

Intercontinental Chicago Magnificent Mile
505 N. Michigan Avenue | Chicago, IL 60611


Event Policies

Registration Policies: 

Registration Cancellation/Substitution: 
Requests for refunds must be made in writing and received on or before the published cancellation date of November 4, 2024. There is a $50 handling fee for ALL refunds and returned checks. Cancellations and registrations postmarked after the deadline date will not be eligible for refunds. Requests for substitutions from one registrant to another should be submitted to 

Event Health & Safety Protocols: 
Please review the CMSS Event Health & Safety Protocols prior to attending the meeting. CMSS reserves the right to update these Health & Safety Protocols in advance of the event and will notify all registrants of any changes. 

Photography and Recording Policies: 

By registering and attending the CMSS Annual Meeting 2024, you acknowledge and agree that photographs and/or video recordings may be taken of you during the event. You consent to the use of these images and recordings for promotional, educational, and informational purposes by CMSS. This includes, but is not limited to, publication on the CMSS website, social media platforms, and in printed materials. 

Recorded sessions are owned by CMSS and may be made available for on-demand viewing. If you have questions regarding session recording, please email

If you do not wish to be photographed or recorded, please contact

Health & Safety Protocols


All meeting attendees should be up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations and recommended boosters per CDC recommendations. CMSS will not be checking vaccination details but rather expect our attendees to be cognizant of the important benefits for everyone. 


  • Masks are not required but very welcome. 
  • Masks will be available at the registration desk. 

Testing and Monitoring: 

  • CMSS asks attendees who are not feeling well not to travel to the meeting. If an attendee feels unwell or is displaying symptoms during the meeting, we recommend testing and refraining from contact with others.
  • Please notify CMSS ( if you test positive for COVID-19 during or immediately after the meeting. 


CMSS reserves the right to update these Health & Safety Protocols in advance of the event and will notify all registrants of any changes. 

Call for Proposals 

Call for Proposals Policies 

  • Must be employed by or affiliated with a CMSS Membership Organization or Associate Member Organization or CMSS Convened Group (OPDA). Proposals may include Industry Partners as presenters but should be submitted by a CMSS Membership Organization. 
  • Unless otherwise notified by CMSS, all presenters are required to register for the Annual Meeting and are responsible for their own registration and travel expenses. All presenters are required to deliver their presentations in-person in Chicago (no virtual presentations). 
  • All selected presenters will be required to complete a Conflict of Interest form and disclose any relationships with commercial interests at the start of their presentation, in accordance with the CMSS Code for Interactions with Companies. 

Proposal Review 

The Annual Meeting Program Committee has the responsibility to review and rank all submissions and determine selections for presentation at the Annual Meeting. The committee will also determine the format of each presentation.  

Multiple proposals may be combined into a single session if synergy is identified in the review process. Proposals may be selected for either a plenary or concurrent audience. 

Shaping the Future of Medicine Together

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