Call for Proposals






The Call for Proposals for the CMSS Annual Meeting is now Closed


  • May 1: Call for Proposals Opens
  • June 24: Proposals Due                             
  • August 5: Presenter Notification
  • November 20-22: CMSS Annual Meeting

Review the Call for Proposals Details

Click here to review complete details on the CMSS Annual Meeting Call for Proposals, including the meeting theme, submission prompts, presentation formats, and information required for submissions. All proposals must be submitted using the online form.

Submission Policies

  • Must be employed by or affiliated with a CMSS Membership Organization or Associate Member Organization or CMSS Convened Group (OPDA). Proposals may include Industry Partners as presenters but should be submitted by a CMSS Membership Organization.
  • Unless otherwise notified by CMSS, all presenters are required to register for the Annual Meeting and are responsible for their own registration and travel expenses. All presenters are required to deliver their presentations in-person in Chicago (no virtual presentations).
  • All selected presenters will be required to complete a Conflict of Interest form and disclose any relationships with commercial interests at the start of their presentation, in accordance with the CMSS Code for Interactions with Companies.

Proposal Review:

The Annual Meeting Program Committee has the responsibility to review and rank all submissions and determine selections for presentation at the Annual Meeting. The committee will also determine the format of each presentation. Please indicate your format preference, options include:

  • Keynote Presentation 
  • Panel Presentation (at least 1 moderator and 2 panelists required)
  • Concurrent Session Presentation (paired with presentations on a similar topic)
  • Rapid Fire 5-minute Idea Exchange (limit 1 presenter)
  • Poster Presentation (limit 2 presenters)

Multiple proposals may be combined into a single session if synergy is identified in the review process. Proposals may be selected for either a plenary or concurrent audience.


Questions? Please contact:

Shaniece Rigans
CMSS Operations Manager

Julia Peterson

Annual Meeting Details