Health Care Workforce Diversification

Health Care Workforce Diversification is a community of shared learning and supported action that’s advancing efforts to identify successful pathways that cultivate diverse leadership in healthcare.

There are many avenues and opportunities for direct impact in healthcare workforce diversification. The first two strategic objectives of this effort are Supporting Early Career Professionals and Advancing Inclusive Societies through Governance Structures. 

Promoting health care workforce diversification throughout the career pathway from training into practice and leadership can achieve greater diversity in the overall healthcare workforce and improve patient outcomes.  


Health Care Workforce Diversification is now an Action Workstream of the Equitable Professional Societies Network (EPSN), which has expanded the program’s reach and influence to increase underrepresented minorities in healthcare. It is part of CMSS’ commitment to shared learning and collaboration among specialty societies, and to channel member contributions that advance healthcare for physicians and the patients they serve.  

Prior Efforts and Acknowledgement: 

This program builds on prior efforts of specialty societies and program director associations participating in a capstone project as part of the ACGME Equity Matters™ program. Over 40 CMSS member societies and OPDA program director associations participated in the inaugural 18-month cohort of this learning community designed to drive measurable improvements in diversity, equity, and inclusion in medicine.  


Contact Ndifreke Ikpe, MHA, CMSS Civic Science Fellow for more information or to participate. 

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